advanced course.
Each month, we will investigate the nuances of Brief Therapy through the presentation of case examples and role-plays. This is the perfect opportunity to examine how the model can be applied in specific situations and to hone your Brief Therapy skills. This course assumes that you have a basic understanding of the model—either through independent study or training. This is a small group experience meant to enhance participation and learning. Enrollment is limited.
when: second Monday of the month, 12-1:30pm ET
where: live on zoom
how long: 90 minutes per session
cost: see registration
CEUs: 9 or 12, see registration for details.
To learn more about CEU eligibility, click here.
lunch & learns.
Interested in learning more about how Brief Therapy can be applied in different situations? Our quarterly Lunch & Learn series adopts a thematic approach, exploring how the model can help us navigate anything from burnout to suicidality to bullying and more.
when: quarterly
where: live on zoom
how long: 90 minutes
cost: see registration
CEUs: 1.5 per session, see registration for details.
To learn more about CEU eligibility, click here.
live demonstrations.
One of the most valuable ways to learn about any therapeutic model is by watching others practice it...and yet, opportunities to do so are exceedingly rare. Our intention with these live sessions is to make it easier for you to watch us work with the Brief Therapy model. Each session will feature a different "client"—someone acting either as themselves or as someone they know. The therapist will have no prior warning about what the topic might be so as to simulate a real session as much as possible.
when: quarterly
where: live on zoom
how long: up to 90 minutes
cost: free
CEUs: not available
call for volunteers: we count on volunteers to be the “client” for these live demonstrations. Volunteers can present a problem of their own or of someone else. All situations must be real to approximate an actual session. Volunteers need not work in the field—anyone willing to participate in a live session is welcome. All participants in a role play are offered a free, private 1:1 follow-up session.
brief therapy 101.
We are committed to training the next generation of Brief Therapists. During this beginner-friendly workshop, we will cover the basic concepts of the model with a special emphasis on techniques that can be put to immediate use in your practice.
when: autumn 2025
where: live on zoom
how long: 3 hours
cost: $150
CEUs: 3, see registration for details.
To learn more about CEU eligibility, click here.
annual conference.
This is a “boutique” experience in which we limit the number of participants so as to foster an intimate environment conducive to engagement and interaction. Presentations at this event have included specific clinical themes such as when to separate couples in therapy versus when to keep them together. There is always at least one live session to illustrate the model and to dissect nuances in the work.
when: Winter 2026
where: NYC (in-person only)
how long: 6 hours
cost: $150
CEUs: 6, see registration for details.
To learn more about CEU eligibility, click here.
1-1 sessions.
We offer individual sessions for those interested in case consultations or individual supervision. For more information, please email Katharina at: